Saturday, October 30, 2010

Syncing KOrganiser with N900

In linux a number of Personal Organisers -(corresponding to outlook) are available - KOrganiser(from KDE) , Evolution (For Genome lovers), Mozilla Sunbird.

In this article i will discuss how to sync thisorganiser withyour Nokia Mobile! - Think like you will plan your weekily activities at home PC/laptop and based on this you get alets in Mobile!! it doesnt need any third party appllication..No user fee..eveyrhting is free except some configuration you need to do.

Linus now provide a great service to share your Personal Informations like :: Calendar details, Contacts Mail etc with thridparty services and cloud - This service is called akonadi .So application'sinterface with akonadi to share data with cloud and other service. Currenlty KDE application's - KContact,KOrganiser and many other _Gnome application like Evolution are intergrated with akonadi. Thta these application can share and usedata from cloud. Thanks to the social desktop based computing getting promoted in Linux

So to intergate the Organiser with your Mobile is a 2 step process -

  • Share the organiser data with some cloud or groupware solutions - In my case i updated my organiser to Google calender.
  • Sync your mobile with the cloud / groupware server.

Syncing Organiser data with Google Calender

Refer the blog . For this to work you will need

  • libgcal - Library for google calendar
  • akonadi-googledata - akonadi google resource.

libgcal is available from the default repositories. While akonadi-googledata resource is available as rpm from here . Once installed successfuly the akonadi console's will be updated like :

Now add events to your KOrganiser from laptop or PC connected to net. it synchronises with the Google cloud and reflects in google calendar!!.

Syncing N900/Nokia mobiles with Google calendar

Nokia allows phones to sync with Google cloud services like Calendar,contact and Groupware services and even other cloud services using MailForExchange feature. This is available across a number of platforms including E50, E60, E61, E61i, E65, E70, E90, N73, N80, N95 and in N900 that i use. How to configure the mail for exchange service for N900 could be found here .

So thats it Why use vendor locked google cloud / android phone or Windows mobile / azure cloud. Buy Phones with open support and configure to the cloud services f your like. And carry the world around with you..

Thats it!!

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